Courses list

Active Dad

Category: Hartford Parent University
Author: Richard Afaagua


Category: Hartford Parent University
Author: Michael Borders
introduce HPU participants to art as a tool for telling history.

Ashland - ABCs of Blended Learning

Category: Ashland University
Author: NaMaYa
Blended learning is a term increasingly used to describe the way e-learning is being combined with traditional classroom methods. It represents a much greater change in basic technique than simply adding computers to classrooms. This course will explain the basics of blended learning and introduce the participant to basic and ..

Ashland - The Flipped Classroom

Category: Ashland University
Author: NaMaYa
One of the hottest buzz phrases in education today is the “flipped classroom.” The premise behind the flipped classroom is to create an environment where the lecture and homework aspects of a course are reversed. Today’s student, who is more tech savvy than ever before, is equipped to access content ..

Ashland - Tools for Increasing Parent Teacher Communication

Category: Ashland University
Author: NaMaYa
This course will address an ongoing question that many educators voice every year- How do I increase communication with my students' parents? Every teacher can relate to spending their prep periods, lunch periods and time after the school day trying to get in touch with a parent. The frustration that ..

Breaking Barriers

Category: Hartford Parent University
Author: Lucy Smith

Bullyng & Cyberbullyng

Category: Hartford Parent University
Author: Milagros Vega

Como los padres se pueden involucrar en la educación de sus hijos

Category: Hartford Parent University
Author: Natalie

Conociendo sus derechos como padre

Category: Hartford Parent University
Author: Damaris Bolorin

Cuando los buenos ninos toman malas decisions

Category: Hartford Parent University
Author: Natalie

Developing My Purpose

Category: NCHB
The No Child Held Back (NCHB) Developing My Purpose course helps a student develop a growth mindset and graduate with a framework for success. This course allows a student to think and explore their strengths, opportunities, and purpose in life. Through a 7-part course, students will participate in 7 NCHB ..

Estoy Feliz conmigo mismo

Category: Hartford Parent University
Author: Natalie

Hartford Parent University

Category: Hartford Parent University
Author: Milly Arciniegas
Welcome to Hartford Parent University

How can parents engage in their child school

Category: Hartford Parent University
Author: Lucy Smith

I'm Glad I'm me

Category: Hartford Parent University
Author: Lucy Smith

Innovation. Steam Training

Category: Hartford Parent University
Author: Balam Soto

Knowing your rights as a parent

Category: Hartford Parent University
Author:  Milly Arciniegas

La educacion enfocada en el estudiante

Category: Hartford Parent University
Author: Milagros Vega

Mi Hijo no

Category: Hartford Parent University
Author: Milagros

Navegando las escuelas de Hartford

Category: Hartford Parent University
Author: Natalie

No Child Held Back

Category: NCHB
Author: Team PD
No Child Held Back is an approach to education that allows every child to thrive. Every child - no matter his or her socioeconomic background, learning style, or life circumstances. This approach was not developed in a vacuum. The world around us has reached an inflection point at which we ..

Usted puede abogar por sus hijos

Category: Hartford Parent University
Author: Milagros Vega

You can advocate for your child

Category: Hartford Parent University
Author: Damaris Bolorin

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